
Learn how to set marketing and operational automations in your business so you can focus on doing the things you love.

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Different things you can automate in your business…

Automated membership sign ups and intakes.

Add automated online courses.

Automated membership platform.

Setting up podcast shows & v’log’s with automated guest bookings and ongoing editing & syndication services.

Setting up new customer inquiries, on-boarding automations for service-based businesses.

Email marketing, including, setting up opt-in forms, follow up and nurture emails for you free giveaways, webinars & events.

Monthly SEO content services, writing SEO specific blog posts unique to your industry to improve Google and search rankings.

Membership management – monthly member-engaging newsletters and course or unit upload and distribution.

1:1 Consultations – helping you with general automation’s, systems where we think improvements can be made and strategies for launches, marketing and content..

Want to know what tools I use to automate my business?

Go check out my recommended products…